All of our ultrasound-related FAQs are below. There are quite a few of them already, and the list is going to keep growing. Try the search bar below to help with your search if you have a specific question, or just scroll down below to see all of the FAQs. 

How much does 4D ultrasound cost?

Our 4D ultrasound packages are affordable – visit our ultrasound packages page for all our packages and prices. 

How early are you able to determine the gender the baby?

We can determine the baby’s gender from about 12 weeks, although 13-14 weeks is preferred. 

How accurate is the ultrasound-based sex check session?

99.99% accurate

What factors influence the quality of my 4D ultrasound session pictures?

4D ultrasound session picture/image quality depends on many factors, including the following:

  • position of the fetus
  • body fat percentage of the expecting mother (including obesity status)
  • Body Mass Index (BMI) of the expecting mother (including obesity status)
  • amount of fluid in the placenta
  • whether the baby is awake or asleep
  • ultrasound equipment and technology used
  • skill of the ultrasound tech/sonographer
  • training/education of the ultrasound tech/sonographer
  • ultrasound procedures and/or protocols used

What are the benefits of 4D ultrasound?

There are a ton of benefits to having a 3D/4D ultrasound session – check out our page on all the benefits

How long does a 4D ultrasound session take?

A 4D ultrasound session, performed by a licensed RDMS sonographer who has enough experience and technical ultrasound ability (both generally, and ultrasound machine-specific expertise) can take just a few minutes to capture great 4D ultrasound photos/images, although this depends on a variety of factors (see above). Very long ultrasound sessions are indications that the ultrasound studio has technical issues or does not have licensed/experienced monographers. 

How many times can you get a 4D ultrasound?

Generally, a few times is ok during one pregnancy. Most of our customers come in multiple times – they typically come in for a gender reveal/determination ultrasound and then again for a 4D visit or two.